position: EnglishChannel  > Experts in China> Former UNESCO Chief Visits Sci-Tech HQ in Beijing

Former UNESCO Chief Visits Sci-Tech HQ in Beijing

Source: | 2024-09-18 11:00:44 | Author: Staff Reporters

On September 12, Dr. Irina Bokova, former director-general of UNESCO, paid a visit to the International Science and Technology Organizations headquarters in Beijing. She toured the offices of various international science and technology organizations, gaining insight into their operations, international exchanges, and personnel activities.

Over 10 international science and technology organizations, including the International Panel of Mesoscience and the International Society for Digital Earth, held talks with her. Bokova noted that the organizations in the hub cover multiple emerging fields and industries, reflecting the latest developments in science and technology innovation. She applauded the efforts to foster openness, trust, and collaboration within the global scientific community. 

 The Beijing International Science and Technology Organizations headquarters was inaugurated last May. It houses 12 institutions, including international science and technology organizations, foreign non-governmental organizations’ Beijing offices, and international scientific project offices. This article was translated based on the Chinese version.

Editor:LONG Yun





