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Sci-Tech Week: Elevating Public Scientific Literacy

Source: Science and Technology Daily | 2024-05-27 09:14:45 | Author: ZHONG Jianli

The 2024?Beijing Science and Technology Week kicks off on May 25?in Shougang Park, Shijingshan?district. The photo shows children visiting the new generation of the?experimental advanced superconducting tokamak (EAST), or the?Chinese?"artificial sun."


Since 2001, China has been observing the National Science and Technology Week (NSTW) every May, a vibrant celebration of innovation, discovery, and the wonders of science.

To be held from May 25 to June 1 this year, it is a platform to showcase the nation's latest technological advancements and research breakthroughs, aiming to engage the public and enhance scientific literacy across all walks of life.

According to the latest data from China National Bureau of Statistics, the proportion of Chinese citizens with scientific literacy reached 14.14 percent in 2023, while the number in 2010 was only 3.27 percent.

The remarkable enhancement of Chinese scientific literacy is the result of efforts from various quarters including the government, academia and society. The launch of the NSTW is part of these efforts, and plays an essential role in raising China's scientific literacy.

Bridging the gap between science and people

The NSTW is not merely a series of events but a convergence of innovation and discovery. From science exhibitions and interactive demonstrations to public lectures and workshops, the week offers a multifaceted approach to engaging the public in the realm of science.

For example, under the theme of "Loving Science, Advocating Science," the 2023 NSTW hosted diversified activities including science lectures in schools and campuses, popular science video contests, and science tours, all aimed at making science more accessible and relevant to people's everyday lives.

By creating a vibrant platform that bridges the gap between the scientific community and the general public, the NSTW also helps raise people's awareness about important scientific issues, such as environmental protection, public health, and the responsible use of technology.

Fostering curiosity and learning

At the core of the NSTW is the endeavor to unlock the door to sci-tech knowledge and lead everyone on a journey of scientific exploration.

Through hands-on experiments and immersive displays, the participants are not only spectators but also active participants in the process of discovery. By offering engaging experiences that cater to various learning styles and interests, the event stimulates curiosity in participants, encouraging them to question, experiment, and unearth the mysteries of the universe.

Moreover, the NSTW serves as a gateway to make complex scientific concepts more understandable to the general public. By presenting information in a clear and engaging manner, it assists individuals to develop a deeper understanding of scientific principles, fostering scientific literacy that may have far-reaching impact. This approach not only enriches the minds of individuals, but also lays the foundation for a society that values and encourages innovation.

Inspiring tomorrow's innovators

Beyond its immediate impact on public scientific literacy, the NSTW plays a pivotal role in inspiring the next-generation of innovators and visionaries.

By exposing young minds to the wonders of science and technology at an early age, the event helps nurture a generation of problem-solvers who will shape the future of innovation in China and beyond.

During the 2024 NSTW, a number of typical events engaging the youth will be held, including the National Youth Creator and Maker Event in Wuhan city, central China's Hubei province.

By providing a platform for young people to showcase their projects, the event not only celebrates their creativity but also instills a sense of confidence in the next wave of science pioneers.






